Sunday 8 March 2015

There Is Nothing Wrong..... Just Something Missing

Hands up who has missed out on the “woe is me” moments? You know the times when a spate of stuff happens that leaves one wondering “What on earth is wrong with me?” Hmm, just as I thought, seems everyone has been there at least once in their lives.

Asking oneself or declaring “There must be something wrong with me” is usually the precursor to one becoming a navel gazer, trying to find out what is wrong so it can be fixed in a hurry. After all, our flesh has an innate programming to be “right” so we can fit in and be normal, not to mention the flesh’s need to be kept in a comfortable place at all times.

The stuff that happens in our life will happen period. How we respond to it makes all the difference in the world. How well or how poorly we respond will either cause our spirit man to be built up to take pre-eminence or give permission for our soul to have a pity party. As much as God is sovereign, in His love, wisdom and mercy He allows us the grace to decide if our response will be from our spirit or from our flesh.

Walking in the Spirit is incredibly easy not just from the perspective of how to but also in identifying the difference between Spirit and flesh.  The mechanics and outcomes of walking in the Spirit might explored in another blog but for now let’s look at the declaration “what’s wrong with me?”

“What’s wrong with me” is an invalid question that makes one an invalid. It is instantaneously crippling because there is no valid answer to it anywhere in the universe.  You were created totally and completely right. 

When your Heavenly Father created you He sat back pleased and declared you were “Outstandingly good”. Now that might seem a little over the top and not scriptcheral! (legalese for scriptural) but let me ask, if God used language to describe His creation in Genesis as being good and very good then it stands to reason that individual expressions of man, that is you and me, must be outstandingly good and if we are outstandingly good then He created us right. Therefore this means that there is nothing wrong with you at all!

Okay so I can hear you asking, so why am I always ___________? (insert the excuse that most supports the case for something being wrong with you.)

Understanding, not what is wrong with you but what is missing in you will shed light on your path while your soul is being redeemed. 

Whilst we were created right and outstandingly good, the business of living in a fallen world shoots holes in our souls in order to create something missing.  Call them wounds, battle scars or whatever you will, the nature of sin is at work in your flesh from the moment you were born. The sins of the flesh suck the life out of our souls leaving great gaping vacuumous holes that we have labelled as being  “something wrong’.

Now we all know that nature abhors a vacuum. Sin by its nature causes a vacuum in our souls and nature as a consequence demands that the vacuum be filled. 

Enter events, circumstances, people, words, thought patterns, experiences and name your owns, that will be attracted to that empty space. Just as things that are of the natural and demonic realm have a particular molecular structure that determines their substance, so too does the things of the Spirit. While sin initially caused this vacuum the only molecular structure that has the right shape and substance to fill the vacuum comes directly from the Holy Spirit. Until the Holy Spirit fills the vacuum with His fruit, our souls will constantly attract all the stuff that makes us cry in despair “What on earth is wrong with me” or make us call on its next best friend “Why does this always happen to me?”

So next time stuff is pushing your buttons, stop for a moment and identify which fruit of the Spirit is needed to fill the vacuum then reach out in prayer, repent for allowing the buttons of your flesh to be pushed, ask that the appropriate fruit of the spirit be grafted in its place then watch as your world begins to transform around you.

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